Publications Update Request
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The [[Therapy Area]] Publications Update (“Update")’ is compiled by Pfizer Limited (“Pfizer”) as a resource for information purposes only. This Update is meant for reference of registered medical practitioner or a hospital or a laboratory only. Notwithstanding Pfizer's compilation of this ‘Publications Update’, the content in the ‘Publications Update’ is not owned by Pfizer and therefore Pfizer cannot guarantee that the information in the Publications Update is accurate, complete or up-to-date. Pfizer does not have influence over content, views and recommendations in this publication, and the views expressed by the authors in the respective publications do not necessarily reflect those of Pfizer or of its subsidiary or affiliated companies. In addition, while due care and caution has been taken to ensure that content in this ‘Publications Update’ is free from mistakes or omissions, Pfizer, the authors, editors, publishers, printer, owner and others concerned does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the quality, accuracy, completeness, usefulness of any information disclosed, for any action taken, opinion expressed, advice rendered or accepted, any direct incidental, special or consequential loss and damage caused on the basis of any material or information published in this compilation nor should Pfizer's service in compiling the 'Publications Update' or any affiliation by Pfizer in respect of any publication contained in the 'Publications Update' be seen as an endorsement of any such information or of a manufacturer, distributor or promoter of a product or service mentioned within this publication.
Pfizer further assumes no liability for the interpretation and/or use of the information contained in this Publications Update, nor does it offer a warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In this regard, to the extent that any publication included within the 'Publications Update' makes reference to, or is affiliated with Pfizer, in any manner or form whatsoever, such publication and its reference or affiliation to Pfizer is purely incidental and is not intended to be promotional, nor do the views expressed in the respective publication necessarily represent the views of Pfizer. Neither Pfizer nor its subsidiary or affiliated companies shall be liable for any damages, claims, liabilities, costs or obligations arising from the use or misuse of the information provided in this publication.
This ‘Publications Update’ is meant for reference of registered medical practitioner or a hospital or a laboratory only. This ‘Publications Update’ is not intended to be a source of solicitation and the contents of this guide shall not be construed as medical advice or to substitute the advice of a health care practitioner. The sale of this ‘Publications Update’ in any manner is prohibited. This ‘Publications Update’ and/or provided links to external resources may include information of an off-label nature. In this regard, notwithstanding the views expressed in this publication, Pfizer does not support the use of products for off label indications, nor for dosing which falls outside the approved label recommendations and readers must refer to the Package Insert of any product for full prescribing guidelines. Pfizer is also unable to make any treatment recommendations for individual patients; clinical judgment based on the medical history and the clinical status of a specific patient should dictate the appropriate actions to be taken.
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